The benefits of keeping your windows squeaky clean are endless! Here is some to just name a few

✓ Extending the life of windows and Window frames
✓ Protection from diseases
✓ Can brighten moods of yourself and customers and people that see your clean windows
✓ Can give a fantastic look to your shop or house
✓ Spider Control – Clean window frames – Help with keeping Spider Webs from making houses, offices etc, look old and messy. Nobody like spiders around their premises, which increases getting a painful bite.
✓ Mould prevention – Some Mould Health Issues – Damp and mould primarily affect the breathing airways and lungs, furthermore they can also affect the Skin and eyes. Mould and dampness can effect the respiratory system which can cause serious illness and, in some severe cases, death
✓ Potential other dangers – can include loose or broken casings, rotting window sills, or even loose windows or cracked glass.
✓ Improves air quality indoors
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